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  • Writer's pictureDouglas Donaldson

For The DIY Pool Owner

Pool Cleaning in Central Texas: A Guide

Pool cleaning in Central Texas is a must-do for anyone who owns a pool. The hot, humid climate can cause algae to grow quickly, and the dusty air can leave your pool looking dirty and uninviting. But don't worry, there are a few simple steps you can take to keep your pool clean and safe all summer long.

1. Clean your pool regularly

The first step to keeping your pool clean is to clean it regularly. This means brushing the walls and floor of your pool, vacuuming the pool deck, and skimming the surface of the water for leaves and debris. You should also check your pool's pH level and adjust it as needed.

2. Use a pool cleaner

A pool cleaner can help you keep your pool clean without having to do it all yourself. There are a variety of pool cleaners on the market, so you can find one that fits your needs and budget.

3. Shock your pool

Shocking your pool is a process that helps to kill algae and bacteria. You should shock your pool once a week, or more often if you have a lot of algae growth.

4. Clean your pool filters

Your pool's filters are responsible for removing dirt, debris, and algae from the water. You should clean your pool filters regularly to ensure that they are working properly.

5. Keep your pool chemicals balanced

The chemicals in your pool help to keep the water safe and clean. You should test your pool's chemicals regularly and adjust them as needed.

6. Clean your pool tiles

The tiles around your pool can also get dirty and need to be cleaned regularly. You can use a pool tile cleaner or a mild detergent and water to clean them.

7. Clean your pool deck

The pool deck around your pool can also get dirty and need to be cleaned regularly. You can use a pressure washer or a broom and mop to clean it.

By following these simple tips, you can keep your pool clean and safe all summer long.

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